With TikTok-like features on the rise on other social media platforms, how can we keep them all apart? There are so many forms of content that it gets hard to keep up with the differences. So, what’s the difference between Instagram Stories and Reels?


1. Reels don’t disappear

Stories are only available for 24 hours after posting them unless you save it in a Highlight. Reels, however, don’t disappear at all. There is a Reels tab that saves all your Reels in one place for easy viewing.


2. The Explore Page

Reels take up a lot of space on the Explore page, but Stories aren’t so much. Since Reels is a new feature, Instagram is pushing it a lot more, which gives creators a better opportunity to be seen.


3. Your Reach

For Stories, nearly everyone who watches are people who are already following you. But for Instagram Reels, your followers and people who don’t follow you yet can see your content.


4. Saving

At the moment, you can’t save someone’s Instagram Story, unless you screenshot it. But, you can save someone’s Reel video!


5. Getting re-shared

You can only share someone’s Story in a private message if their privacy permissions allow it, and you can’t share someone’s story in your own Story unless they tagged you.

But Instagram made it super easy for people to share Instagram Reels. You can send a Reel to someone in a private message and share it on your Instagram Story so that you followers can see it too.


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