A podcast is a great, trending way to put out more content. They are continually rising in popularity for all generations. If you’re looking to start one of your own, look no further. Now’s the time to start one, before the competition increase. But how?


Start with planning

  1. Know what makes a good podcast
  2. Set your goals
  3. Choose your topic
  4. Define your target audience
  5. Name your podcast
  6. Pick your show format
  7. Determine your average episode length



  1. Script your show
  2. Get equipped
  3. Select your music
  4. Design your show’s cover art
  5. Invite guests


Recording and editing

  1. Find a place to record
  2. Use the right microphone techniques
  3. Record remote guests or co-hosts
  4. Work with editing software



  1. Choose a hosting site
  2. Create a website
  3. Write a description
  4. Title your episodes
  5. Submit your show to podcast directories


Marketing and growing

  1. Implement a marketing strategy
  2. Keep people listening
  3. Monetize
  4. Publish new content regularly


Purple Cow Branding has all the equipment and services you need to make your podcast outstanding. Contact us for a quote: 972-433-0635


For more details, check out Wix’s detailed guide!